An acute, self-limiting, exanthematic skin disease that manifests as itchy, somewhat inflammatory, scaly rashes, usually on the torso, chest, and upper limbs.

Peeling skin syndrome
Peeling skin syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by constant peeling of the skin. The disease appears from birth or in the first year of life
lasts a lifetime
Mycosis Fungoides
The most common primary skin T-cell lymphoma (cancer of the blood). Mycosis Fungoides is characterized by three main stages, several of which may exist at the same time
Paraneoplastic dermatological manifestation of gastrointestinal malignancies
rare disorders resulting from the immune system’s response to a cancerous process (neoplasia) in the body. Gastrointestinal neoplasms more often cause paraneoplastic syndromes affecting the skin.
Nail psoriasis
Psoriasis is a form of chronic systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease that mostly affects fingernails and toenails.
Lyme disease
It is contracted when a blood-sucking tick injects intestinal contents containing bacteria into a wound. Untreated Lyme disease can damage not only the skin, but also the internal organs, joints and nervous system.
A common, chronic, inflammatory, recurring skin disease that affects 2-3% of the population. Psoriasis can start at any age, and is most often found in adults.
Juvenile plantar dermatosis
a disease characterized by localized damage to the feet. JPD usually occurs in children between the ages of 3 and 14 who are prone to atopy or have atopic dermatitis
Erythema multiforme
an acute and often relapsing disease of mucous membranes and skin characterized by a specific target-shaped rash.
Purpura Simplex
A hematological disease characterized by an increased tendency to form bruises (bruises) due to increased fragility of blood vessels.
Furuncle (or boil) – a deep inflammation involving the hair follicle and surrounding tissues.
Granuloma annulare
a benign inflammatory skin disease that typically presents as circular, discolored, smooth papules…
The most common nail changes
The most common nail changes Nail changes are an easily noticeable and quite common problem. Both the changes themselves and the...
Viral warts
Viral warts Viral wart - common benign skin lesions caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). ● According to the place of origin can...
Androgenic hair loss
Androgenic hair lossAndrogenic hair loss is progressive hair loss that occurs in both women and men. The most common form of hair...
inflammation of blood vessel walls, which can cause damage to internal organs and skin.
Skin conditions in newborns
It is in the early period of the newborn that various adaptive changes in the skin of the newborn are observed, manifested as it adapts to new environmental conditions.
Acute urticaria
an acute vascular skin reaction that manifests as swelling of the skin, raised red blisters that are very itchy.
Geographic tongue
A benign inflammatory disease of the mouth characterized by the loss of cells of the surface layer of the tongue in its dorsal part.
Epidermoid cysts
Benign skin formation (cyst) formed at the place of hair growth, inside is usually filled with keratin and fatty filler.
Lichen nitidus
A rare inflammatory skin disease characterized by small, flesh-colored, shiny bumps on the skin.
Pitted Keratolysis
Non-inflammatory, bacterial skin disease of the palms and soles. Dotted pits are visible in the damaged skin, and an unpleasant smell is felt.
Angular cheilitis
allergic, viral, bacterial, fungal, mechanical, inflammation of the corners of the lips caused by certain drugs or concomitant diseases.
Lichen planus
Chronic, itchy skin disease manifested by well-defined, erythematous (red) spots, scales in mechanically damaged areas.
Keratolysis exfoliativa- one of the possible causes of skin peeling
A common skin condition that manifests as local peeling of the skin on the palms of the hands, less often on the soles of the feet.
Heat rash
A self-limiting, temporary skin condition caused by blockage of the eccrine (sweat) glands. There are 3 main types of rashes.
Insect Bites
How to recognize the bites of different insects, how are they different and when should you be alarmed?
Focal alopecia
An autoimmune condition that causes hair loss. It usually manifests as localized hair loss on the scalp, but it can also occur on other hairy parts of the body.
Palmoplantar pustulosis
A rare chronic inflammatory skin disease that primarily affects the skin of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
Atopinis dermatitas mažam vaikui
Atopinis dermatitas (ang. atopic dermatitis) – lėtinė uždegiminė odos liga, kuri dažniausiai pirmą…
Atopinis dermatitas mažam vaikui
Atopinis dermatitas mažam vaikui – lėtinė uždegiminė odos liga, sukelianti niežėjimą, paraudimą ir šlapiavimą. Sužinokite apie veiksmingus gydymo metodus.
Stasis dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs mostly in the lower limbs due to insufficient venous blood flow.
Candidiasis – diseases of the skin, mucous membranes and nails caused by yeast fungi.
Chickenpox (Latin varicella) is an acute viral disease manifested by fever, herpetic rash on the skin and mucous membranes.
Keratosis pilaris – goosebumps
Keratosis pilaris (follicular keratosis/goosebumps) is one of the most common manifestations of dry skin, which is caused by the accumulation of keratin in hair follicles.
Nummular Eczema
Nummular Eczema is an itchy, coin-sized…
Prurigo Nodularis
Prurigo nodularis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease manifested by nodules formed in the skin and severe itching…
Athlete’s foot
Foot fungus or Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is the most common fungal skin infection that affects the soles, between the toes and the edges of the feet…
Scabies Scabies - A contagious parasitic skin disease characterized by extreme itching. Caused by: Sarcoptes scabiei var....
Polymorphic light rash (sun allergy)
Polymorphic light rash (sun allergy) Polymorphic light rash (sun allergy) is a skin disease provoked by the sun's UV rays and...
Infectious mollusc
Infectious mollusc Molluscum cont agiosum (Latin: Molluscum contagiosum) - A contagious viral disease characterised by shiny...
Flat lichen
Flat lichenLupus plan us/ruber: An inflammatory disease of the skin and/or mucous membranes of unknown origin, characterised by...
FolliculitisFolliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle. This is a common benign skin lesion. More severe forms may occur...
Seborrhoeic keratosis
Seborrhoeic keratosis Seborrhoeic keratosis is a benign skin lesion that is usually brown in colour and intensity, with a coarser...
Soft fibromas (papillomas)
Soft fibromas (papillomas) Soft fibroids (papillomas) are benign, non-infectious, non-contagious skin lesions that are harmless...
Multi-coloured ringworm
Multi-coloured ringworm Multi-coloured ringworm is a skin rash caused by a fungus of the Malassezia species, called...
Dishidrotic eczema
Dishidrotic eczema Dishidrotic eczema (syn. dishidrotic dermatitis, dishidrotic dermatitis, pompholyx) is a chronic,...
Chilblains (Pernio)
Chilblains (Pernio)Chilblains (Pernio) is a pathological skin condition characterised by reddening or bruising of the skin caused...
Localized scleroderma
Localized sclerodermaLocal scleroderma (Latin: morphea) is a rare, chronic inflammatory sclerosing connective tissue disease...
Shingles (Shingles)
ShinglesShingles is a viral disease caused by Varicella zoster and characterised by a painful herpetic rash in groups along a...
Herpesvirus infection
Herpesvirus infectionHerpesvirus infection - Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection (syn. herpes) is a common skin and mucous...
Acne, what is it?
Acne, what is it? Acne (acne vulgaris) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease involving damage to the hair follicle-fatty...
Psoriasis Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting 2-4% of population with dermatitis. Psoriasis...
Contagious IMPETIGA
Contagious IMPETIGA Impetigo (impetigo contagiosa, pyoderma) is a contagious bacterial infection of the skin that affects mostly...
Perioral dermatitis
Perioral Dermatitis Perioral dermatitis (POD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease characterised by a rash of papules...
Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis Contact dermatitis (eczema) is a common inflammatory skin disease that causes red, itchy and often scaly skin....
Adult acne. Is acne just a teenage disease?
Adult acne. Is acne just a teenage disease? Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that has traditionally been considered a disease...
Rosacea A flush on the cheeks is not just for embarrassing situations or when you see someone dear to you a human being? Do you...
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Bothered by scalp flaking and itching? You may have seborrhoeic dermatitis Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin...