

Pagrindinis > dermatology > Page 2 Psoriasis Psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) – it is a frequent, chronic, inflammatory, recurring skin disease, which affects 2-3% of the population. Psoriasis can start at any age, but it is most often found in adults. Psoriasis...
Juvenile plantar dermatosis

Juvenile plantar dermatosis

Pagrindinis > dermatology > Page 2 Juvenile plantar dermatosis Juvenile plantar dermatosis (dermatitis plantaris sicca) – a disease characterized by localized damage to the feet. JPD usually occurs in children between 3 and 14 years of age who are prone to atopy...
Erythema multiforme

Erythema multiforme

Pagrindinis > dermatology > Page 2 Erythema multiforme Erythema multiforme – an acute and often relapsing disease of mucous membranes and skin characterized by a specific target-shaped rash.   may be considered a type IV hypersensitivity (allergic)...
Purpura Simplex

Purpura Simplex

Pagrindinis > skin problems > Page 2 Purpura simplex Purpura simplex – a hematological disease characterized by an increased tendency to form bruises due to increased fragility of blood vessels. very common disease affects more women than men the exact...


Pagrindinis > red bump Furuncle Furuncle (or boil) – deep inflammation involving the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. The most common causative agent is S. aureus (up to 75%) About 10-20% of people carry these bacteria on their skin Furuncle is common...