

Pagrindinis > red bump Furuncle Furuncle (or boil) – deep inflammation involving the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. The most common causative agent is S. aureus (up to 75%) About 10-20% of people carry these bacteria on their skin Furuncle is common...
Multi-coloured ringworm

Multi-coloured ringworm

Pagrindinis > Multicoloured mallow Multi-coloured ringworm Multi-coloured ringworm is a skin rash caused by a fungus of the Malassezia species, called ‘multi-coloured’ because of the wide range of colours and shades of the rash. About 14 different...


Pagrindinis > dermatologist Rosacea A flush on the cheeks is not just for embarrassing situations or when you see someone dear to you a human being? Do you feel stretching, tingling on your face? Your complexion is “coloured” pink! The disease is still...