Peeling skin syndrome

Peeling skin syndrome

Pagrindinis > skin problems Peeling skin syndrome Peeling skin syndrome – a genetic disorder characterized by constant peeling of the skin. the disease appears from birth or in the first year of life lasts a lifetime a very rare disease that, according to...
Nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis

Pagrindinis > skin problems Nail psoriasis Nail psoriasis (otherwise psoriatic nail dystrophy) – the form of chronic systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease psoriasis, which mostly affects fingernails and toenails.   more common in persons over 40 years...
Lyme disease

Lyme disease

Pagrindinis > borreliosis Lyme disease Lyme disease (borreliosis) contracted when an infected tick injects intestinal contents containing bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) into a wound while sucking blood. Untreated Lyme disease can damage not only the skin, but also...
Erythema multiforme

Erythema multiforme

Pagrindinis > dermatology > Page 2 Erythema multiforme Erythema multiforme – an acute and often relapsing disease of mucous membranes and skin characterized by a specific target-shaped rash.   may be considered a type IV hypersensitivity (allergic)...