Patients always get:

1. Detailed diagnosis
Clear diagnosis and full information about it
Diagnosis of chickenpox disease:
Based on your answers to the questions, the photo documentation provided, the most data for chickenpox
Chickenpox is a contagious viral infection causing acute fever and a polymorphic rash, most commonly affecting children under ten years of age.
Chickenpox is caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus of the Herpes viridae family. The infection is highly contagious – easily transmitted from person to person by airborne transmission through coughing, sneezing or direct contact with active rash elements. An unvaccinated person has a 70-80% chance of getting the virus. the likelihood of contracting the virus.
In children, chickenpox usually starts with itchy red papules that progress to blisters and then to erosions covered with scabs. It usually starts on the abdomen, back and face, and then spreads to other areas of the body. Possible damage to mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.
The nature of the spread and the areas primarily affected may vary. There may be isolated scattered rash elements or the whole body may be covered with multiple rashes
Additional symptoms may include fever, headache, cold-like symptoms, vomiting, diarrhoea.
Chickenpox is usually diagnosed on the basis of clinical findings – polymorphic rashes (simultaneous lesions at different stages), comorbid symptoms. It is also important to assess whether there has been any contact with the patient during the 10-21 day incubation period.
Diagnosis of Lyme disease:
Looking at the photos you sent, the most data is for Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is a bacterial disease caused by Borrelia, affecting the skin and, if untreated, the internal organs and CNS. Humans are infected by the bite of nymphs or adult ticks. Lyme disease is most common in people aged 55-74. people of urban age. In Lithuania, women are 1.5 times more likely to have Lyme disease than men.
Clinically, the site of the Borrelia infestation develops a localised inflammation of the skin called erythema migrans. This is the most common clinical form, affecting about 85% of all cases. cases. The reddening of the skin usually spreads over a few days or weeks in a concentrated pattern, with sharp edges and a diameter of more than 5 cm. Sensory disturbances in the affected area may occur due to topical damage to the nerve fibres innervating the skin. Over time, the rash becomes ring-shaped, the edges turn dark red or purple and the centre becomes pale If left untreated, the erythema can spread up to 20-70 cm in size.
Rarely (about 20%), erythema is accompanied by fever up to 38°C and general signs of infection (weakness, muscle pain, general malaise).
Migratory erythema is diagnosed only on the basis of clinical signs. It is not advisable to look for antibodies during this process, as >80% of all antibodies are antibodies. patients have not yet developed them.
Diagnosis of hand, foot and mouth disease:
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a viral infection caused by enteroviruses. Children are the most common sufferers.
However, adults with weakened immune systems or pregnant women can also be affected.
It is transmitted from the sick person through saliva, nasal mucus and rash secretions.
The most common symptoms are rashes on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, but painful sores may also appear in the mouth or on the mucous membranes of the genitals, and the patient may have a fever, fatigue and general weakness.
2. Personalised treatment plan
All information on how to treat the disease, with steps what to do and when
Chickenpox treatment:
In healthy children, chickenpox infection is usually an uncomplicated, self-limiting disease for which symptomatic treatment is sufficient:
Cut your child’s nails short, and socks can be placed on the hands at night to help prevent secondary bacterial skin infections, which can be caused by blistering during digging. Digging up lesions can lead to scarring.
Disinfect the lesions with Sol Asept/Octanisept 1-2 k/d.
Wash in cool water and then apply a moisturiser, suitable for your existing moisturiser and Bioderma (not rubbing).
Avoid overheating. A warm environment and sweat lead to more itching. To soothe the skin, use a cool, damp, clean cloth on particularly itchy areas.
Paracetamol for fever, pain relief as needed, dosed according to the child’s weight.
Body creams, lotions with calamine e.g. uriage Pruriced 1-5 k/d, antihistamines (allergy medication) – to reduce itching.
Loose-fitting, unstretched clothing made of natural fibres is recommended.
Important: A person with chickenpox is infectious 1-2 days before the rash appears, and it can take 10-14 days before all the lesions are covered by scabs. During this contagious period, children are not allowed to attend educational institutions. Chickenpox can cause complications in immunocompromised people, pregnant women and newborn babies. These people should avoid contact with known cases of chickenpox. In cases of inadvertent contact, a medical consultation is advisable for possible prophylactic treatment.
Treatment of Lyme disease:
You need treatment with oral antibiotics.
Tab. Dox*****ini 100 mg 2 k./d. 20d.
Treatment of diseases of the hands, soles and mouth:
- The disease usually resolves spontaneously in about 1 week. The disease is caused by a virus and there is no specific antiviral treatment.
- It is important to prevent the spread of the virus by washing hands thoroughly as often as possible, avoiding close contact with sick people, keeping sick children away from healthy children, and cleaning and disinfecting potentially contaminated surfaces in the home environment.
- If there are rashes on the lining of the mouth and there is pain, you can use special mouthwashes.
- Try to consume as much fluid as possible.
- Do not scratch the blisters and keep them clean.
- Use Cicaplast baume cream 2 times a day to speed up skin recovery.
3. Prescription
We will issue e.prescription, describe medicines, which you can buy at any pharmacy
Chickenpox medicines:
No specific dermatological drug treatment is required.
Medicines for Lyme disease:
You can buy the medicine prescribed for you in eHealth at any pharmacy near you.
DOCS*******AS (prescription) is an antibiotic prescribed as the first-line treatment for Lyme disease. Take with meals. Avoid sun exposure (apply SPF50 or cover your body with clothing) when using the medicine. Do not take dairy products with the medicine (that is, take dairy products at least 2-3 hours apart). Avoid alcohol consumption.
Medicines for diseases of the hands, soles and mouth:
No specific dermatological drug treatment is required.

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