Pagrindinis > Skin diseases > Contagious IMPETIGA

Contagious IMPETIGA

Perioral dermatitis skin diseases skin doctor

Impetigo (impetigo contagiosa, pyoderma) is a contagious bacterial infection of the skin that affects mostly children aged between two and five years, but can also affect older children and adults.

    • Impetigo is most commonly caused by a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus
    • Less commonly, the infection is caused by another bacterium – group A streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes
    • Both bacteria can cause pyoderma
    • Impetigo is usually spread from person to person through direct skin to skin contact
    • Bacteria on healthy skin or through small cuts, scratches or other small openings (e.g. caused by insect bites) cause pyoderma
    • Impetigo infection spreads easily, especially between people who live together or who often spend time together (e.g. in a kindergarten group).


    • Impetigo rashes are most often seen on the face, hands or feet;
    • Symptoms such as fever, severe pain, increasing redness and swelling, or loss of appetite indicate a more serious infection. If you are bothered by the following symptoms, contact your healthcare professional urgently


    • papules, vesicles and pustules (pustules);
    • yellow, golden, brown scabs
    • fluid-filled or flaccid blisters
    • ulcers with raised edges
Inflammatory impetigo is a common skin disease
Perioral dermatitis skin disease

Forms of impetigo:

  • Non-bullousis the most common form. Characteristic papules, vesicles with surrounding erythema (redness). As the rash progresses, abscesses appear, which quickly enlarge and break out to form a yellowish scab.
  • Bullous – as the vesicles grow larger, blisters with yellowish fluid form. Blisters filled with fluid become cloudy, and brown scabs form when the blisters rupture.
  • Ecthema – damage to the superficial (epidermis) and deep layers of the skin, resulting in painful sores with yellow scabs and raised edges.


    • Impetigo is usually diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs, symptoms
    • Treatment can be started without any tests
    • To determine the cause (which bacteria caused the disease), bacteriological tests (culture), gram staining
    • As the disease spreads, blood tests may show an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood and an increase in C-reactive protein.


    • See a dermatovenereologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment
    • Treatment of impetigo is important to reduce the spread of infection, reduce discomfort and improve appearance
    • Blistering and non-bullous impetigo are treated with topical (applied) or systemic (oral tablets or capsules) antibiotics
    • Local (topical) antibacterial treatment is used for patients with limited, localised skin lesions, while systemic treatment is used for patients with a widespread rash or deep lesions.
    • Ectema is always treated with systemic medication.

Advice To reduce the spread:

    • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water (no matter what you touch) or disinfect them
    • Do not share personal items such as hairbrushes, towels, clothes, bedding (wash in hot water).
    • Do not share personal items such as hairbrushes, towels, clothes, bedding (wash in hot water).
    • If the rashes are wet, they must be covered. Use disposable wipes to blow your nose.
    • If you sneeze, cover your mouth with your shoulder or forearm, otherwise bacteria from your nose and mouth will end up on your hands and anything you touch.
    • Return to kindergarten, school – children can return 24 hours after starting effective antimicrobial treatment.
    • If your infectious impetigo recurs, contact your dermatologist.

If you are unsure about your diagnosis and over-the-counter remedies from the pharmacy don’t help – seek help from a dermatologist!

The iDerma team will give you a consultation within 24 hours, explain your diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment remotely!

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MB iDerma
Fabijoniškės g. 99, Vilnius
+370 670 70 822


MB iDerma
Fabijoniškės g. 99, Vilnius
+370 670 70822